Audio Converter

Welcome to audio converter page. In this page, you can convert audio to any format you want. For instance, convert to
MP3, WAV, WMA, raw PCM, OGG, Audio, AAC and AVR.

If the target format shown above is the one not you want, click current target format to change it.

To start your file conversion, click 'Choose file' button to select the file, or from Google Drive or Dropbox. There are optional settings provided to control how converter convert your audio. If you are not familiar with those settings, just leave it, to use default value. Click 'start' button to upload your file and do conversion. Once conversion finished, you will see a link to download the file converted.

During file conversion, any problem should there happened, click Support to report it to us, we will solve it as soon as possible and deliver a better service to you in future.

Choose Local File Click here or Drag & drop a file here
File URL:

Choose Recorder

record audio

Record Audio

record video

Record Video

record screen

Record Screen

Here are some extra options you can use to control how your file is converted, it's optional.Show Options
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Conversion In Progress

Conversion started, please wait...