How to Install 360Converter Offline Transcriber
Install 360Converter Offline Transcriber on Windows
- Right click zip file you downloaded to extract setup file
- Double click to start setup
- Just keep all default options if you don't want to change anything and all the way click 'next'
- For language model part, choose language that will be spoken in your video or audio file. For example, The video file you want to transcribe is of English, then choose English.
- During installation you will be asked to install Microsoft VC runtime, check agreement and continue installation
- For Windows 7, after installation, you are required to restart machine.
- For Windows 10, after installation, Offline transcriber is ready for use
You might see following window from 'Microsoft Defender SmartScreen' when you launch the installer, click 'More Info'

Then click 'Run anyway' to start installation

The reason Windows shows such information is that, publisher, here it's, need buy certificate from Code Sign Certificate Association to sign OfflineTranscriber.
If your system already have VC Runtime installed, you may see dialog box below,

Click 'close' button to continue. and click 'yes' to confirm. Note, it cancels VC runtime, not OfflineTranscriber itself.

Install 360Converter Offline Transcriber on macOS
- Double click 360ConverterOfflineTranscriber.dmg
- Drag OfflineTranscriber icon to Application folder

The fontconfig is needed if you want to export transcript as pdf. All formats supported to be exported are, docx, txt, srt and pdf.
To test if you have fontconfig, simply start the program, transcribe any audio/video file, then export it as pdf file. If it failed, you don't have it. Run the command below in 'Terminal' to install fontconfig, brew install fontconfig
If you do not want export as pdf, just ignore above instruction.