Youtube Video to Text Converter
To start converting YouTube video to text,
- copy and paste YouTube video URL
- specify language in YouTube video
- indicate segment of video you are interested in

What You'll Get:
Complete transcription with timestamps and speaker identification (when enabled)
Captured on-screen text from presentations and captions
Interactive transcript with audio playback sync
AI-powered summary and Q&A capabilities
Multiple sharing options (email and shareable links)
Export options: TXT, DOC, PDF, and SRT subtitle format
Offline Version
Experience a seamless and unrestricted transcription process with our desktop application.
No Time Limitation
Transcribe entire files without any time constraints. Perfect for long-form content.
Local Processing
Files remain on your computer for maximum privacy and data security.
Instant Processing
No queues, no waiting. Start transcribing immediately.
Batch Processing
Convert multiple files simultaneously with efficient batch processing.
Advanced Editing
Full editing capabilities with real-time preview and synchronization.
Real-time Transcription
Live transcription for immediate results as you record.
Languages Supported
We support transcription in 35 languages,