Text to Speech
Synthesize speech with your preferred voice. No account required for free usage.
Maximum characters: 1000, remaining: 1000.
How to Convert Text to Speech
Prepare Text
Input your text by either copying and pasting it or directly typing it into the text field provided above.
Specify the Language
Indicate the language spoken in the speech to ensure accuracy. In case you accidentally choose the wrong language, rest assured that our engine will still attempt to transcribe the content. However, the resulting speech may be irrelevant if the language setting does not match the actual text.
Choose Your Preferred Voice
Explore a variety of voices available for the selected language. You can listen to each voice by clicking the 'Play' button next to it before making your final selection.
Choose Speech Format
There are 4 format you are able to choose from. They are MP3, AAC, FLAC and WAV.
Choose Speech Speed
Customize the speed of the speech to suit your preferences. The default speed is set to 1 for normal speech. Drag the slider to the right for slower speech or to the left for faster speech.
Choose Speech Quality
Consider the trade-off between speech quality and processing time. Opting for higher quality will result in a speech output with a higher frequency of speech but may require a longer processing time.
Obtain Your Speech
Once the conversion process is complete, you can play the generated speech to preview it. Additionally, you have the option to download the speech in your chosen format for offline use or sharing purposes.