OCR Converter

Welcome to OCR Converter page. We designed this tool to help convert image into text, pdf and doc.

We support not only local image file, but also internet file and cloud file; you can upload your local image file to our server, then our server will analysis and convert it to text. click 'Choose file' button to select the file you want to convert. Then specify language used in image file. This is very important, because wrong language you indicated, then you will get totally messed up or mismatched text.

During file conversion, if any problem happened, click 'report problem' to report it to us, we will solve it and deliver a better service to you in future.

Choose Local File Click here or Drag & drop a file here
File URL:
No file selected

Choose Recorder

record audio

Record Audio

record video

Record Video

record screen

Record Screen

(Select language used in the image)

(Select output format, like txt, doc or pdf)

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Please send me an email when conversion is finished ( put your email address in below box )
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Conversion In Progress

Conversion started, please wait...